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Various switch adapted toys sitting on a wood table against a tan background.

Resource Hub

At Switched Adapted Toys, we're dedicated to making play accessible to all. That's why we invite you to become a valued member of our community, absolutely free of charge. As a Switched Adapted Toy Member, you'll gain exclusive access to:

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Bring Switched Adapted Toys to your community. Start a chapter and have your group or organization adapt toys for children in need in your community. 

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Submit a new toy request to let us know there is a specific toy you would like us to make how to videos and manuals for.

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Get access to all our PDF written toy manuals. Fallow along with our step by step guide to build a switch adapted toy all on your own. 

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Receive access to our 3D printer design files. Build and assemble your own switch button. Additional accessibility inspired designs are coming soon.

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Did you get stuck? We are here to help. Join a Virtual Office Hour meeting and talk with an expert and have your questions answered.

Cartoon depiction of a red switch adapted toy button with the words "Join for free!" printed on it.

Seriously, It's Free..

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